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The Origins of the Seance: A Journey into the Unknown Realm of Spiritual Communication


People at a seance
A Seance

Do you believe in the possibility of connecting with spirits from beyond the veil?

The concept of a seance, a gathering where individuals attempt to communicate with the deceased, has fascinated and mystified people for centuries.


The word séance comes from the French word for "session", from the Old French seoir, "to sit".

In English, however, the word came to be used specifically for a meeting of people who are gathered to receive messages from the spirits or to listen to a spirit medium discourse with or relay messages from the deceased .

A Glimpse into the shadows of the past

The origins of the seance can be traced back to the early 19th century when the spiritualist movement began to gain traction. Spiritualism, a belief in the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead, provided the foundation for the development of the seance as a means of establishing contact with the departed.

The Victorian Era and the Rise of Spiritualism

During the Victorian era, the practice of conducting seances became increasingly popular among the upper echelons of society. Mediums, individuals believed to have the ability to communicate with the spirit world, played a central role in these gatherings, often serving as conduits for the messages of the deceased.

a seance with a medium and a small group of sitters
A Seance.


The person acting as an intermediary between the spiritual and material realms is called a Medium.

Mediumship is the act of receive messages from spirits of the dead and from other spirits that the practitioner believes exist.

Some mediums are fully conscious and awake while functioning as contacts; others may slip into a partial or full trance or into an altered state of consciousness.

These "trance-mediums" often state that, when they emerge from the trance state, they have no recollection of the messages they conveyed; it is customary for such practitioners to work with an assistant who writes down or otherwise records their words

It is clear that medium and the other "sitters" share a common philosophy, one in which the spirit of the deceased is available for, and willing to engage in some kind of communication.

To my mind there is a distinction between Spiritualism and Spiritism.

In Spiritualism the intention is to contact specific spirits, often relatives of those who have passed on. Spiritism, on the other hand, seems to be focussed on communication with spiritual entities who can teach those on the material plane something specific - they are spiritual teachers and masters. In modern terms those who relay such "teaching messages" are called Channelers.

The Spiritualist Movement Spreads Its Wings

a spirit medium talking to a spirit
Talking with the dead,

The spiritualist movement expanded rapidly, attracting followers who sought solace in the belief that death was not the end but merely a transition to another plane of existence.

Seances provided a glimmer of hope for those longing to connect with lost loved ones and find reassurance in the afterlife.

Conversing with the Dead.

a range of tools that can be used in a seance
Seance Tools

A variety of tools have been employed by mediums to facilitate spirit communication.

Spirit Boards

Spirit boards, also known as talking boards, or ouija boards (after a well-known brand name) are flat tablets, typically made of wood.

On the board are a number of symbols, pictures, letters, numbers and/or words.

The board is accompanied by a planchette (French for "little board"), which can take the form of a pointer on three legs or magnifying glass on legs; homemade boards may employ a shot glass as a planchette.

A most basic Ouija board would contain simply the alphabet of whatever country the board is being used in, although it is not uncommon for whole words to be added.

The board is used as follows:

One or more of the participants in the séance place one or two fingers on the planchette which is in the middle of the board. The appointed medium asks questions of the spirit(s) with whom they are attempting to communicate.

There is a wealth of folklore that has developed around the Quija board. In my opinion most of it nonsense. In a magickal sense the result of using any tool is dependent upon the intentions you bring to its use.

Trumpets, slates, tables, and cabinets

During the latter half of the 19th century, a number of Spiritualist mediums began to advocate the use of other tools for conducting séances, particularly in leader-assisted sessions conducted in darkened rooms.

"Spirit trumpets" were horn-shaped speaking tubes that were said to magnify the whispered voices of spirits to audible range.

"Spirit slates" consisted of two chalkboards bound together that, when opened, were said to reveal messages written by spirits.

"Séance tables" were special light-weight tables which were said to rotate, float, or levitate when spirits were present.

Table Tipping became a very popular pastime in salons and clubs in Europe. Indeed it was through his observation of "table tipping" that Allan Kardec became convinced that the spirits were here to guide and help us. Allan Kardec can be considered as the founder of Spiritism.

"Spirit cabinets" were portable closets into which mediums were placed, often bound with ropes, in order to prevent them from manipulating the various aforementioned tools.

The Influence of Popular Culture

The allure of the seance extended beyond its spiritual implications and permeated popular culture. From literature to cinema, depictions of seances captured the public imagination, portraying a world where the boundaries between the living and the dead blurred, fraught with mystery and intrigue.

Modern-Day Interpretations

In contemporary times, the practice of holding seances persists, albeit often in a more lighthearted and entertainment-focused context. While some view them as a form of interactive theatre, others still approach seances with a genuine belief in the possibility of communicating with spirits.

Crossing the Threshold

The enigmatic allure of the seance continues to captivate curious minds, offering a glimpse into the unknown realms of spiritual communication. Whether viewed as a relic of a bygone era or a doorway to the supernatural, the seance remains a fascinating and enigmatic practice that invites us to ponder the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.

From the shadowy parlours of Victorian mansions to the modern-day interpretations of spiritualists, the seance has woven itself into the tapestry of human curiosity, inviting us to explore the realms of existence that lie just beyond our grasp.

Alan /|\



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