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Intuitive Readings

"Intuitive Readings"

I dislike the word "Reading" as it implies a one-way process.

The word 'conversation' is more apt.

Such a conversation may stem from the use of an oracle. It can however come from the impressions one person gets from the other.

Such conversations are supportive, affirming and therapeutic.

They are NOT about Fortune Telling!

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There is no question that for the most part our life is in our own hands.

Palmistry is a way the patterns in the hand can trigger intuition as well as offer some indications of health and well-being.

As with all 'intuitive conversations' the "lines" on the palm are a starting point for personal reflection.

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The patterns in the Cosmos at the time and place of our birth holds a fascination.

However, whereas some see our Horoscopes as defining us, I see them as a starting point of a journey around the zodiac. 

I may been born under the sign of Aries, but I am not limited to being an Aries all my life. Once I have learned and embraced the philosophical lessons from that sign, I can move on to connect with others within the wheel of life.

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The Tarot is a popular oracle.​ The cards trigger intuitive associations and connections.
I believe the cards tell stories using archetypal images. They are mirrors and reflect different aspects of our lives. 

I also believe that some of the cards and their symbolism refer to esoteric teachings.

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I have been interested in numerology for as long as I have been with Tarot. There are clear connections between the cards, there numbers and how they are a reflection of the cycles of life.

Like all Oracle systems, it's about patterns and how these patterns repeat.


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Geomancy, Crystals and more

Almost anything can be used as an Oracle. In a sense the Oracle is merely a tool to inspire personal creativity.

Different people connect with different oracular tools. Crystals, Pendulums. Tea Leaves and even Beer Mats can help us to connect with our unconscious, creative, mind.

In essence, it's always about patterns, shapes, symmetries, connections - personal symbolism.


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Intuitive Readings.

Alan has offered intuitive conversations at Festivals and Fayres throughout the UK. He has also offered his services at private events and parties bringing "something" different to the event.


One-to-one sessions can also be arranged over Zoom.


Please get in touch for more information. 

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